Sydney Abrey
Degree: Major in Music & Minor in History
Diploma in Music: Major in Piano & Saxophone
My qualifications are the Royal Conservatory of Music Level 10 Piano, Advanced Theory (Harmony, History, and Rudiments). Also, I was accepted on the spot at Capilano University for my Diploma in Music, Major in Piano and Saxophone and later I was accepted into Simon Fraser University for my Bachelors, Major in Music and Minor in History.
My philosophy of teaching comes from people who taught and inspired me including David V., Mary Abrey, Terry Abrey, and Aleah Cassidy.
Aleah Cassidy is a life-long friend who profoundly inspired me with her generous and contagious enthusiasm, energy, and musical prowess. She loved music and loves dancing to modern pop and of course listening to Lady Gaga, a favorite of ours. My love of the piano was motivated and catalyzed by Aleah. She taught me to love the music and love the rhythm. I have been honored to pass that enthusiasm on to other students
David V. taught a class I took in music theory at Capilano University. He possessed the rare gift of remembering how it to teach others the subjects and was remarkably skilled at easily understanding music theory. He really listened to students and was able to discern their level of understanding. Learning was fun because David clearly enjoyed learning! His teaching conveyed his own proficiency in a subject while relishing the call-and-response we would have during her lectures. Each student’s participation was rewarded with her thoughtful and deliberate responses; one came away with answers that were clear and illuminating. David is also a Royal Conservatory Examiner which allowed us to learn the materials a lot more in-depth compared to other lectures in music. David always gave very detailed instructions and detailed information about certain music and how to approach the music with confidence.
Mary and Terry are my parents who started me in piano lessons when I was young, the age 5. They instructed me to continue playing music and saw me strive greatly in music and thought let’s keep our daughter in this. So, I continued to play and with their support, I was able to play different types of music and achieve many goals with the support of my family.