Milan Milosovic
Doctor of Musical Arts in Clarinet Performance (UBC)
Milan Milosevic has earned his Doctor of Musical Arts in clarinet performance at the University of British Columbia. Recently, Milan received the British Columbia Arts Council Award, the UBC Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Award, and the UBC Graduate Award for Academic Excellence. Milan is a representative and endorsed artist of Légère Reeds, Canada. He was invited as a guest lecturer and at scholarly conferences, including the world premiere performance of commissioned work for the Jackson State University, The University of British Columbia, The Capilano University, Zagreb University, Croatia, and Ljubljana University, Slovenia.
He currently performs with the international Synergia 4 ensemble and VICO Orchestra. His recent performances in collaboration with Deutsche Gramophone and IGM artists in Zadar and Dubrovnik Summer Music festivals received high critical acclaim. Milan performed frequently as a visiting soloist, and the ensemble member with the Vancouver New Music Society, Redshift Music Society, and Virtuosi Concert Series. He performed as Principal clarinet and Bass clarinet with Victoria Symphony and Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
Milan is currently holding the clarinet position in the Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra (VICO) and he has served as Director of Music Department and the clarinet instructor at Vancouver College for 14 years. Before his doctoral studies at UBC, he held an Associate Principal clarinet position with the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. During his 10 years with the orchestra, he served as an artistic director and Principal clarinet of the Belgrade Philharmonic Woodwind Ensemble, and the International Woodwind Quintet Synergia 5. He was a featured soloist and ensemble performer at the Groundswell, Contemporary Music Series and New Music Festival with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. Milan Milosevic has been a featured performing artist in numerous CBC Radio 2 National Broadcast performances, including the numerous TV and Radio broadcasts in Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia.
The International Clarinet Association journal The Clarinet CD review committees praised his scholarly articles on extended clarinet performance techniques and reviews on the featured album Pearls & Yarn (2005) and the Pearls & Thrills (2017) as eclectic, ground-breaking and innovative. On another recording project, his Brahms & Beethoven recordings were cited as Lush and seductive...expressive & well controlled...mellow throughout the instrument’s range. The International Clarinet Association journal The Clarinet selected and published his academic article on the extended clarinet ornamentation techniques in June of 2017 quarterly issue of the magazine. His scholarly article contributions were selected in the finals of the International academic article competition in 2017. Milan is a featured artist of Summit Records, Arizona & the Chromadisc Publishing Company, Canada.